Xiaokang Chen (Alex) has a fascinating history that uniquely qualifies him to speak to the audience of the Working Cows podcast. He attended High School in the Boston area as well as attended a prestigious Entrepreneurial School (Babson College). As such, he understands the necessity of a profitable herd. Couple that with training from Johann Zietsman in finding genetically adapted cattle and you have a winning combination for an episode of the Working Cows podcast.
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Xiaokang’s Photo Essay:

Field that has not been high density impacted.

Field that has. The bare ground was over impacted. The background has grass high over my hip

This is exactly where the above photo was taken. This is the kind of impact that yielded the hip height grass

I fed silage there to get the maximum/over impact while keeping these cows full.

This is how it looked before I went UHDG

This is how it is after one UHDG application

These cows tramp most grasses, dramatically increasing food for microorganisms.

The foundation herd, small but not insignificant.

About 10% of the flat field is like this

My best cow

And the BULL
Bulls for sale now in China and being collected.

Charolais bull semen for sale at collection station

Frozen semen of Simmental for sale

The highest priced stud bull at the first ever Stud Bull auction in 2018
Typical Chinese confinement of unadapted cattle.