Good Monday morning to all you critter and land loving folks. A few weeks back I had disclosed my thoughts of grandeur with three nanny goats in milk, how I was gonna put all that extra milk bliss to work. As it turns out one momma is indeed producing more than her baby can handle. So we have been milking out one side to keep her comfortable and healthy. The first bum lamb Clay spotted for sale this past weekend, we loaded up to go purchase. My nine-year-old and I made a business deal that it was half mine, half his, we split the cost, and shook hands over the deal. I was trying to prep all the kids that we really didn’t know much about sheep, and have always heard they were fragile and didn’t need a reason to up and die on ya. Well, it is the cutest little stinker and it needs that goat milk goodness every four hours right now. Let’s just say momma has been doing all the feedings. Good thing he is the cutest nine year old around. The kids were all thrilled it survived the first night, and I was relieved! Now to keep up the good record!
Some of that extra goat milk bliss was also passed off to my mom this morning with the label “Organic Coffee Creamer.” It is her payment for keeping my billy goat at her house, so the goat milk doesn’t smell or taste like Totes the billy goat. She was thrilled, although I am afraid she is terribly underpaid as Totes managed to escape and give her the run-around his second day there. . . the literal run around. . . love ya momma! Hope your coffee is amazing.
Mocha, the nurse/milk cow, has been residing at the funny farm for exactly two weeks today. I am proud to report that just this evening she ate grain out of the scoop in my hand, and then proceeded to lick my hand till I couldn’t handle the sandpaper manicure any longer. Progress from the bomb that unloaded off the trailer a short time ago, and made me think a milk cow is surely how I was going to perish.
Clay is a little extra busy this week doing chores at the ranch. He is flying solo, as his parents are soaking up some sunshine, squeezing in a much-deserved break before calving starts. This has also provided me with an extra job or two, that I jumped at, because why wouldn’t I? I could tag along, or I could fold that pile (mountain) of laundry, I should really take a picture! I love being around to do a thing or two, and get out of certain other chores while I am at it! Hope your Monday finds a smile or two in it. Thanks for stopping by the Working Cows site. If you haven’t listened to the Dave Ollila episode, give it a listen. Their operation is where we purchased our bum lamb. Great people doing great things with their critters and land. Headed off to warm another bottle, blessings to you, yours, and your operation.

Warming up in the bathtub.

Don’t tell the kids the dog and I snuggled this baby after they went to bed.

Ready to help with chores.

These girls are on vacation too while we wait for brand inspection paperwork to come in.