Good Monday morning to all you critter and land loving folks. We had our first little go of weather that actually felt like winter here. Our kids were super excited, and that makes it easier to deal with as an adult. After all, snow makes grass grow and that makes happy cows. At our house, we strive to find the positive in every situation, so there is your dose of positive for Monday morning.
I have been busy with our kids, household, and my part of our few acres around our home. . . the funny farm part. That’s what it is, no need to call it what it’s not. I adore it, all of it. It currently included 2 hound dogs, 2 barn cats, 12 ducks, 7 chickens, and 6 goats, three of which are due to kid right around Christmas time. This my crazy, and my sweet husband is always willing to let me add more to it! We originally added goats to the mix to function as lawn mowers. With three of them to be in milk soon, I am seriously kicking around thoughts of bum lambs or a bucket calf to be raised on the extra goat milk once baby goats are weaned. I recently sold my small business, part of me thinks I am looking for another ball and chain since I am without my old one. I will keep you updated on my funny farm ventures, they make me smile! Clay lovingly laments the fact that he married his Grandma Jean. Maybe that’s why he lets me haul all kinds of critters home. It has been six years since Grandma Jean passed, but I have been thinking of her often lately. She was a kindred spirit for me, but I wish I would have known it more when she was alive. On any given visit to Grandpa Tom’s and her home, you were greeted by chickens, goats, and dogs before you made it to the front door. There were some very fat and happy cows and horses in the pasture behind the house. She was my kind of lady and oh the stories she had! I should have trekked to the barn with her more, and all the goat questions I should have asked! But, no regrets, only thankful for the time we were given, and a smile knowing she would have gotten a kick out of my funny farm.
In all my rambling I am sure most of you have gathered I grew up loving animals and being outside. I loved girly things, but on any given day you could find me flipping over cow patties gathering worms to feed to the chickens. I can’t believe that is now in writing. Anyways, loving both worlds continues to serve me well. Recently, I celebrated the third anniversary of being 29 again. I received chore buckets along with a goat water tank and a diamond bracelet. I can honestly say all these gifts were totally me, and all of them made my heart equally full. Like I said, it’s called the funny farm – not every girl does chores in her new tennis bracelet – but this crazy one does. Until next Monday, blessings to you, yours, and your operation.

Keeping the farm funny.

Dollop, the baby of Daisy (Yes, I am the “Crazy Goat Lady”).

One of the girls.

I’ll be in the barn.