Good Monday morning to all you critter and land loving folks. July finds us busy with our custom grazing, outside projects, and church camp activities. It will be a full one! We have been continuing to catch moisture, and we are just so thankful. We fenced in the rain just this morning, a much brighter way to fence then trying to size up drought and grazing days in paddocks. We have had some warmer days, and I am not grumbling, but I do prefer fall and winter to summer…. takes all kinds right?! On one of these rather warm days the kids and I were kind of restless and not wanting to be out in it, and ice cream sounded oh so good. This is where I restate we are in the middle of nowhere, ice cream is fifty miles away in any direction, and I wasn’t thinking we had any ice cream salt for the machine, but wait, we are ranchers, we always have salt! You got it, a little cruise to the barn, and a dip in the Sea-90 bag later, we were in business, it doesn’t take much to make us happy around here. My only tip for the day is make sure you are grabbing that original bag…not the garlic salt bag which we are gladly putting out now to lighten the fly pressure.
Blessings and ice cream all around to you, yours, and your operation.