Good Monday morning to all you critter and land loving folks. The kid horse…everyone wants one, several people claim they have one for sale, and yet how do you get fortunate enough to have one cross your path and enter your cavvy? In our experience that beloved ol kid pony comes as a gift, an inexpensive old plug that you need to give your littles the confidence to ride like the wind later. They are the babysitters as some call them, the one that let your princess lead them around the corral with her curlers in her hair, and the one that lets the littlest of your cowboys push him up to the rail so he can scramble up the fence and climb on himself. They put up with it all, and we love them for it, they are some of the best teachers walking this earth. As of today, we have buried three of these gems, all in the honored spot where all good ponies and dogs get laid to rest on the Conry ranch. It feels a little raw today, but I am so thankful we had them and can keep them in our hearts forever. Our kids have outgrown the need for a kid horse, it seems like it was a short-lived season, and yet we couldn’t have gotten to this new season of stockmanship without those old boys. The value of the kid horse is truly priceless on any operation, if you still have one in your pasture today, go give them extra scratches for me.
Blessings to you, yours, and your operation.