Good merry Monday morning to all you critter and land loving folks. It is going to sound like Christmas in today’s blog…and not the Santa kind. In fact, it was one year ago around this time that my very sweet, timid, big brown eyed little girl informed her preschool teacher when asked what Santa was bringing her, “Santa’s dead!” Now we are not horrible parents, not parents of the year for sure, but not horrible morbid people. In our defense, we had chosen to celebrate that Ol’ St. Nick was indeed a man, a very good man who did many wonderful kind deeds. And that Santa was a fun reminder of this man’s awesome example of generosity. But no there are no lists, no reindeer, and no creeper man coming down the chimney we don’t have at our house. Maybe my blog will take off and pay for my kids’ counseling sessions. Needless to say, the teacher made sure not to ask about the Easter bunny when spring rolled around.
We do celebrate a man at Christmas at our house, Jesus. The holiday belongs to Him in our home, and oh how we pray our kids will take Him as their one and only savior. We do presents, trees, lights, food, and family, but oh to celebrate that baby that came and changed human history. Came, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and died the death we deserved, rose again, and is the only hope and peace we can cling to in this life, and for eternal life. He is no longer a baby, but a death slaying savior.
As I mused over this Christmas blog I wondered just how exactly it would fit with the working cows site. It occurred to me there probably was a cow in that humble stable on the first Christmas, or at least I like to daydream there was. But the thing I find exciting is who God chooses to make His big announcement to first. That’s right, the producer. The angels could have appeared to kings or whole cities with the news, but I am in awe they made such a grand announcement to common folks, like me. There the shepherds were caring for their flocks, much like the character of God himself. God made no mistake, the angels weren’t lost, and the shepherds went and worshipped this promised Messiah. No mention or fuss is made about those shepherds again. They went right back to work, just like producers today. So as I wish you a Merry Christmas today, take heart! When chores are long, and days are short and bitter cold, my prayer is just like those shepherds all those years ago, you would find time to be amazed, come and celebrate, and let your life be changed by Jesus. Christmas blessings to you, yours, and your operation.

Fisher-Price is pretty sure there was a cow-calf pair there.

Merry Christmas from our stomping grounds to yours.